thanks to superior acting by george deihl, jr … the work is compelling … it’s great work that comes to a humorous climax… - bob goepfert, the record

Characters with a Mysterious, Haunted or Unresolved Past.
Characters like Viggo Mortensen’s Tom Stall in A History of Violence or Jason Patric’s Shakes in Sleepers, or Kevin Bacon’s Walter in The Woodsman. Characters struggling to leave the past behind, fighting to avenge of an erstwhile injustice, or preyed upon by guilt, unrequited love, or loss. Whether it’s as an actor, writer or illustrator those are the stories about which I am passionate.
“George Deihl…really holds the show together. His kinetic energy and total immersion in the role seem to affect the other actors.”
- V.R. Cann, Maine Sunday Telegram
5' 8"
Weight / Build
165 lbs / Athletic
Hair Color
Greying-Brown / Bald on Top
Eye Color